Appearance in metashortener panel as a elegible shortener and listing in Plus recomendation (in order with other shorteners, one by one) in user panel. is a URL shortener & metashortener with unique features like the use and monitoring other shorteners.
Exprimiblog Blog y Exprimiblog Twitter: Si tu sitio es interesante puede ser publicado en una, y con el tiempo varias, publicaciones de este blog. El Twitter del blog Exprimiblog tiene mucha actividad y se publican detalles de muchos acortadores, publicaciones de Exprimiblog y todos los sitios mencionados, así como memes políticamente incorrectos.URL Multishortener (not currently available): Appearance in principal panel as a elegible shortener. UMS is a extensión available for Chrome, Firefox and Opera web browsers and a app for all Android devices. UMS allows to easily get short URLs from principal link Twitter (not available at the moment): For messages about new additions to the ranking, updates on rates and other parameters of the shortener, promotions and others.
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